Wednesday, January 22, 2014


A few months back, my friend Adam shared a photo he'd taken while waiting for a train into Penn Station. The panoramic image, which was shot on the Rhinecliff Station platform, captured such an amazing portrait of commuters. I attempted to capture the same spirit in a drawing. To add some authenticity to this portrait, I used an Amtrak Empire Service - Eastbound Timetable as my canvas. It was a lot of fun.

detail of left...
...detail of middle...
...detail of right

I used various mixed media in executing this drawing.

The photo that inspired my drawing, by Adam Aronson

Thanks to Adam Aronson for providing me 
with such inspiring and universal subject-matter .

Beautiful prints of this piece are now available here!

Wherever you're headed on life's tracks,
safe travels!


  1. Thanks, Graham! It's interesting to me that this drawing has a 1960's feel - like a scene out of Mad Men (except that people are hold smart-phones instead of cigarettes:-)
