Sunday, December 30, 2012

Rutgers Rules!

When I think of New Jersey, the first things which come to mind are The Boss, The Soprano's, Long Beach Island, Governor Chris Christie, and...Rutgers University. Judging from the variety of stories I illustrate for their alumni magazine, this dynamic school has much to offer our society. The drawing above is about a campus 'living-learning community' which aims to 'encourage the aspirations of female engineers by allowing them to live and study together, and forge nurturing bonds.'

For a story about the eradication of brown stink bugs in New Jersey.

On another end of the spectrum, the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station at Rutgers is studying methods of eradicating the brown stink bug, which is severely damaging crops in the mid-Atlantic states. For this drawing, I had fun depicting the Garden State as a leaf.

For a story about Rutgers community outreach in Camden, N.J.

Rutgers Alumni are always finding ways to support local communities. As an example, the Law School sets up free 'Ask a Lawyer' events in Camden. The Ben Franklin Bridge serves as a backdrop in this drawing.
Here are examples of the weird ideas that come to life in the sketch process:

Ideas for Living Sleeping Science.
Ideas for Getting Rid of the Stink
Ideas for Good Neighbor Policy

Thanks to John Van Cleaf and Michelle Cody for another satisfying assignment.

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