Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Order in the Court

Illustrating legal concepts can be more challenging than interpreting the Constitution.  I've lost many a hair on my head trying to visualize stories loaded with legalese.  Morris Stubbs at American Lawyer Magazine is a saint for assigning me a very straightforward project.  For a section called IP Roundup, I was asked to represent various companies/products involved in recent 'intellectual property' rulings.  It was fun to show businesses as diverse as Apple, Bratz, and Eli Lilly sitting before the judge. I enjoyed creating order in this two dimensional court!

Here are some ideas I submitted for this assignment.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Byrdcliffe by Design

Before Woodstock, N.Y. became synonymous with a musical and cultural revolution, this Catskills town was known for its arts and crafts movement. The Byrdcliffe Arts Colony, founded in 1903, is at the heart of this creativity.  Artisans gather there to study painting, pottery, sculpture, ceramics, and other crafts. I was approached to design  a promotion for their upcoming artisans fair.  It was fun to doodle ideas suggesting all the beautiful hand-made items that will be available. My inspiration for the portrait above came from an iconic poster of Woodstock's most legendary resident, Bob Dylan. The illustrator responsible for this poster happens to sit on Byrdcliffe's board of directors, and his name is Milton Glaser.

A Byrdcliffe state of mind.
This bird flies high with a haul of great Byrdcliffe products.
A potter's wheel acts an as axis for beautiful hand-crafted items.
Emphasis on hand-crafted products (within your grasp).
Branch out with beautiful handmade products by Byrdcliffe artisans.

A special thanks to Kimberly Daley for this rewarding opportunity: - )

The 'Byrdcliffe by Design' artisans fair takes place February 18th - 20th   11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
You can find out more about it right here!